Let me introduce you to a Heavenly Father who desires more and better for you so you can reach your highest possibilities.

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Just some everyman insights into everyday life; Gain some wisdom on issues you are dealing with in your life.

Golfing with Ken Blanchard

May 6th, 2024|

My relationship with Ken started with a bad rental car. My wife and I were beginning a weeks vacation in Colorado and, true to my nature, I booked the cheapest car I could get. When we arrived at the rental car facility there was no attendant to be found.  When

Not seeing God work? Move to a better seat!

February 20th, 2024|

I have a passion for live sporting events. There is nothing better than tickets to the game. During the pandemic I got the opportunity to go see one of the greatest football plays of all time. My friend Jacques Cesaire was a coach for the Buffalo Bills and they were

10 Steps Further Podcast

Designed to help you get 10 steps further along in your spiritual journey. If you’ve been on your journey for 30 years or 30 minutes, we are here to help you get 10 steps further.

The podcast was originally created to discuss the very first steps anyone needs to take in their faith walk. Four years later (and over 100,000 downloads in over 50 countries) this life changing podcast is an archive of wisdom for parents, leaders, and God followers who are on step one or one hundred.

The right speaker makes all the difference.

If you are looking a speaker for your next event take a moment to see how Jack can help your audience meet a God that wants more and better for them.