Pastor Jack’s Blog
Just some everyman insights into everyday life; Gain some wisdom on issues you are dealing with in your life.
June 2018
An Advice Column
It’s graduation season and this year its especially tough for me since my own daughter graduated from Scripps Ranch High School last week. It was a great day; she even wrote and performed an original song at the ceremony. One of my favorite things is listening to my daughter sing and don’t ask me where
May 2018
Who is the King of Your Heart?
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”--Joshua 24:16 Enter just about any Christian household and chances are you will find this quote somewhere—over the front door, in the kitchen, in the bathroom. Christians love to use this quote as a proclamation of their faith. It’s a great quote and most Christians
April 2018
Counting to One
Do you all remember what day it was last Tuesday? Of course you don’t, probably because you’ve blocked it from your memory so let me help you: last Tuesday was April 17th, or tax day! Usually it’s April 15th but since the 15th was on a Sunday and Patriot’s Day (a holiday only celebrated in
Why Jesus Isn’t Superman (and Why He Doesn’t Want to Be)
In my last post, I told you why Jesus is my favorite superhero. Today, instead of telling you all the ways Jesus is like a superhero, I’d like to tell you the ways he isn’t like one; or at least not like one specific one—Superman. You see Superman has a motto that we are familiar
The Definitive Answer to the Eternal Question: Who is the Best Superhero?
Who is your favorite superhero? Seems like superheroes are all the rage these days. Every time you turn around there’s a new movie about them and everyone has a favorite. Who’s yours? Maybe it’s Ironman with all that money and the suits that can do everything; or Spiderman, the kid who got bit by a
March 2018
The Most Important Trait in a Mate
What is the most important quality that you look for in a friend or a partner? What character quality do you want your children to have? In my research I found an article about “What singles consider a must- have in a potential date.” Any guesses? Whatever your guess, I can guarantee that you’re wrong.
Lessons from a King
Today I want to talk about a danger that we all face when it comes to our character. It’s a very common flaw. I’m guessing everyone struggles with it to a degree, but most people have no idea that it’s there. It’s almost always a blind spot. In fact, here’s the crazy thing about this
February 2018
Holding Out for a Hero, Part 2
Okay, so I’m going to get right to it. In my last few blog posts, I’ve been talking about my favorite Biblical hero, Daniel and what he can teach us about being people of character. If you didn’t read my previous blog, Holding Out for a Hero, Part 1, click here. Go ahead and read
Holding Out for a Hero, Part 1
If I asked you who your hero was who would you say? Lebron James, Taylor Swift, Meryl Streep, Tom Brady? These are some of our modern day heroes. These heroes are personalities. They are entertainers. They are funny. They lead interesting lives. They wear great clothes and blow up the Internet on the runway. They
Some Things Never Change…or Do They?
Have you ever said these words: “Some things never change?” You get an email from your ex who’s mad about something you did: “Some things never change.” You spend all morning cleaning the house and leave for a few minutes to go to the store and come back and it looks like a cyclone hit