Pastor Jack’s Blog
Just some everyman insights into everyday life; Gain some wisdom on issues you are dealing with in your life.
March 2017
Move To A Better Seat
If you’ve been following this blog, you know I’ve been talking about God’s call for each of us to reach one here, one there, one everywhere. In my last post, I talked about the scariest word in Christianity: “witness” and hopefully, took a little of the edge off by explaining that to witness is simply
Can I Get a Witness?
I’ve been writing for the past few weeks about our call as Christians to reach the next one.. to reach “one here, one there, one everywhere.” When I first brought up the idea for this series with staff and board members at Canyon Springs Church, we all agreed it sounded like a line from a
February 2017
Getting People Out There To Come In Here
Today we are continuing our series, “One Here, One There, One Everywhere.” When we first came up with this idea, it sounded to me like a Dr. Seuss book so we decided to go with it. Last week I dropped a few Dr. Seuss facts on you that you may not have known, and today
No Matter How Small
When you read the title of this post did Dr. Seuss come to mind? If it did, it was by design. I recently met with the elders at my church, Canyon Springs in San Diego, to discuss our goals as a church for 2017 and I don’t know if the meeting had gone on too
Run Your Race
Since it’s Super Bowl week, I thought I’d do a post about another historic Super Bowl and another Patriots win. Check out this video to see what I’m talking about: That was two years ago and I bet it’s still hard for Seahawks fans to watch. Marshawn Lynch is in the backfield in beast
Living in the Unresolved
Hi everyone and thanks for visiting my blog, “Everyman Jack.” In case this is your first time or if you haven’t been here for a while, this month I’ve been talking about the various types of resets we may need in our lives because January is always a good time to take a fresh run
January 2017
“I’m Not Worried”
Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up.-- Proverbs 12:25 This is an unusual blog for an unusual circumstance--last week my wife and I were finally able to bring our newly adopted daughter home from Haiti. Here’s a picture of us at our homecoming at the airport: Let me just say
Better Together
I recently heard on the radio that by this point in the month of January 95% of us have already abandoned our new year’s resolutions. How are your resolutions working out so far? In my last blog post, I shared with you one reason why so many of us fall flat on our faces when
Do You Need a Reset?
In our culture with all of our technology there are a lot of things that we need to reset. I’m a Mac guy and if you are like me and work on a Mac, you are familiar with this: I don’t know what it’s real name is but I’ve heard of it referred to as
Do Not Be Afraid
Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name. Psalm 86:11 I know Christmas is already several weeks behind us and I know some of you were probably glad to see it go. It’s easy for all the joy of