Pastor Jack’s Blog
Just some everyman insights into everyday life; Gain some wisdom on issues you are dealing with in your life.
May 2017
Lifehack: How to Live a Better Life
Tell me if you agree with this statement about life in our society: We’ve been taught that if one is good, two is better. If one dollar is good, two is better. If one nice car is good, two is better. If one house is good, another vacation home is better. If one wife is
Four Things Every Parent Wished Their Kid Knew
Continuing with my “Four Things” theme, here’s the four things that parents wish their kids knew in honor of Mother’s Day. As I did for my post about the things husbands wish their wives knew, which you can read here, I asked all the moms and dads at our church, Canyon Springs, to write on
Four Things Every Husband Wished His Wife Knew
That title got your attention guys, didn’t it? I bet even if you are woman you wanted to read this when you saw the title because you wanted to see if I got it right. Well let’s get started and you can comment on this blog after you’ve read to let me know how you
April 2017
Relationship Rules
There have been millions of pages written about what wives wish their husbands knew and what husbands wished their wives knew. Books written on what kids wished their parents knew and unlimited blogs written about what parents wished their kids knew. There is no limit to writing on the subject. Here’s something crazy that I
Just Get Through Saturday
Best Day Ever What is the one day that changed your life the most? There are probably lots of days you could nominate. Start with your birthday. That’s a pretty big one. If you didn’t have a birthday not only would you not get presents you wouldn't be alive. Your birthday is a pretty important
No Talking
After graduation from Harvard Law School, Bryan Stevenson could have worked just about anywhere he choose. Instead of going after big money at a top ten law firm, Bryan decided to move to Alabama and fight for those who couldn’t fight for themselves, specifically those wrongfully accused on death row. One of his first clients
How To Make Jesus Mad
For the past few posts I’ve been examining the different aspects of Jesus’ character in order to help us get to know him better. After all in order to emulate his character we need to know what characteristics that Jesus had, that if we are honest, we can’t relate to. The depth of Jesus compassion
Jesus Interrupted
In these weeks leading up to Easter, I’ve been trying to get to know Jesus better and have been closely examining different aspects of His character. Jesus has a lot of qualities that you would expect to find in the savior of the world: He can perform miracles and heal the sick. He is also
March 2017
Hide-And-Go-Seek Jesus
Leading up to Easter, I want to look at some of the hidden character traits that Jesus had. Jesus had some characteristics that we would expect in someone called to be the savior of the world. He was loving. He was gracious. He was awe-inspiring. He healed every manner of disease. He raised dead people
It Just Takes One
Today is the last in our series, “One here, One there, One everywhere.” Since the title of this series sounds like the title of a Dr. Seuss book I decided to go with it and share some fun facts with you each week about Dr. Seuss and here’s one more: Did you know that Dr.