I want to take a moment to introduce a new way to grow your relationship with Jesus and reach your friends wherever they happen to be in the world. It’s my new blog called “Every Man Jack.” This blog will be based on the messages you hear on Sundays. The blog is just another way to continue the conversation from Sunday’s message.

The blog posts will be sent to you each week (you can easily unsubscribe by following the directions below.) I would also love for you to consider forwarding the blog to family and friends so they can grow too. It’s not always easy to communicate with the people close to us about our relationship with God, but forwarding a blog post couldn’t be simpler. Who knows what God can do with one simple click. The momentum we get with the blog, the more it will grow in popularity and the more people we can reach with the life changing message of Jesus.

Thanks for joining me in this journey.

~Pastor Jack

More Info . . .

Weekly Summary via Email

If you are on our general email list, you will receive a weekly email with a summary / digest of any posts that happened during the week prior. (See below to sign up if you are not already on it.) You will receive the titles and excerpts/summaries of each post. If you like what you see, you can click to read more on the website.

Sample Post

Subscribe to the Email List?

If you’re not receiving our emails, sign up to our general email list here:

Newsletter Signup Form

**Make sure you select the “Pastor’s Blog” checkbox.

What is a Blog?

Just in case you’re new to blogging, a blog is a collection of stories, pieces (including news, announcements, event recaps, etc.). In blog format, these are also known as “posts” in written/article format that are published on our website. You can see ALL of our posts here:


If you’d like to narrow down to the Pastor’s Blog articles only, visit:


These posts will be published weekly, sometimes biweekly. Either way, they will appear on our blog feed. We will also share each post on Social Media, primarily Facebook, so if you haven’t started following us there (by “Liking” our page), do so here:


Subscribe by RSS

For those who subscribe to blogs via RSS feeds, you can sync to our feed here:

https://www.canyonsprings.org/feed/ (Main feed, ALL)

https://www.canyonsprings.org/category/pastors-blog/feed/ (Pastor’s Blog only feed)

Any Questions?

Let us know if you have any questions, feedback or comments on the blog. Need technical help? Contact our Marketing & Communications guy Blake Miller at blake@canyonsprings.org